Two young 50-something females. One big adventure exploring the Americas. Have liquidated everything they own and packed a Saturn Vue with bare necessities to set out on this journey. Planting seeds at each juncture symbolizing their new growth. With an open mind and heart, ready to get a true view of this world.
After a good night's sleep in our little beach cottage and a slow wake up this morning, a beach hike seems to be a grand idea. Though chilly and foggy, the coastline is spectacular and we enjoy an amazing journey along the shore. The beach is easy to walk on once we pass the deep white sand at the entrance, the low tide brings hard packed sand and a very wide walking path. Exposed rocks toward the cliff area provides a fun and good workout, as well as a discovery spot for interesting marine life.
Horseback riders saunter down the dune area as we head back toward the little city's town core. The quaint town has a wonderful little book store where we spend a good amount of time finding new reads and make some great purchases for future escapes. It is well past noon by the time we finish our walk and book tour and the sun has still not peeked through. As we have several days in this area, we opt to stay close to home this afternoon, reading and enjoying the sleepy town's energy.
Later in the day, dune buggies traverse the pretty beach and kites easily float in the windy skies. With all the beauty surrounding, we don't even miss the sun. We throrougly enjoy our lazy day and the comforts provided by our little beach cottage. Resting up for a big excursion tomorrow seems to be the perfect decison. The quiet we experience here is very welcomed!
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